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uTrade Frontend Algo API
μTrade HFT
The BaseStrategyWrapper class The main class to be inherited for creating a new strategy. More...
#include <baseStrategyWrapper.h>
Public Slots | |
virtual void | on_NewPushButton_Clicked () |
on_NewPushButton_Clicked Enable the parameters to enter new values can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | on_AddPushButton_Clicked () |
on_AddPushButton_Clicked Add the parameter values to the database Updates the strategy table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | on_EditPushButton_Clicked (int row=-1) |
on_EditPushButton_Clicked Edit the parameter values of any selected row can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentIndexFromRow (int row) |
setCurrentIndexFromRow Select another row using passed row can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | on_CommitPushButton_Clicked (bool isModifyFromAltM=false) |
on_CommitPushButton_Clicked Save the changes made to selected row in the database can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | on_StopAllPushButton_clicked () |
on_StopAllPushButton_clicked Stop all the running strategies can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | terminateStrategy (int row, int index=-1) |
terminateStrateg Gives true if strategy is in run state and passed a valid row send terminate strategy signals can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | on_RemovePushButton_Clicked () |
on_RemovePushButton_Clicked Removes the selected row from the strategy table can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | on_StopPushButton_Clicked () |
on_StopPushButton_Clicked Stops the selected running strategy can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | on_RemoveAll_Clicked () |
on_RemoveAll_Clicked Removes all the rows from the strategy table can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | onSettingPushButtonClicked () |
onSettingPushButtonClicked Gives setting box for changing differnet options on clicking setting button in the strategy can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | populateStrategyFromPortfolio () |
populateStrategyFromPortfolio To check strategy is populated from portfolio or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setItrationQty (API2::Strategy strategyResponse) |
setItrationQty Empty functions can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | receiveStrategyResponse (QSharedPointer< API2::Strategy > strategyResponseSharedPtr) |
receiveStrategyResponse Receives response from hft and if it is success then put it in the queue can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setOldPositionUploadAllowed (bool isOldPositionUpload) |
setOldPositionUploadAllowed Used to set old position uplaod allowed can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | getIsOldPositionUploadAllowed () |
getIsOldPositionUploadAllowed Gives true if old position upload is allowed can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | getIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown () |
getIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown Gives true if spread pop up is already shown can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setOptionsConRevCombination (QString conRevCombination) |
setOptionsConRevCombination To set the passed con rev combination in the options con rev combination can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onSavePortFolio () |
onSavePortFolio On Saving portfolio in the .csv file To Load it on later time can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | onLoadPortFolioNew () |
onLoadPortFolioNew On Loading the portfolio from .csv file fetch the strategies on the UI can be overriden | |
virtual API2::AbstractUserParams * | getParamsCommand () |
getParamsCommand To get the data using pointer object of abstract user params can be overriden More... | |
virtual QString | getOptionsConRevCombination () |
getOptionsConRevCombination To get the options con rev combination can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual API2::AbstractUserParams * | getNewParamsCommand () |
getNewParamsCommand To get the pointer object reference of abstract user params class can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | deleteParamsCommand (API2::AbstractUserParams *&genericPtr) |
deleteParamsCommand To delete the pointer object of abstract userparams class can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | serializeParamsCommand (API2::AbstractUserParams *genericPtr) |
serializeParamsCommand To serialize the pointer objetc of abstract user params can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateHedgingPortfolio (QComboBox *comboBox) |
populateHedgingPortfolio To populate hedge portfolio name list in the passed combo box can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | registerForUhedgePortfolio () |
registerForUhedgePortfolio To emit the signal of updated portfolio to populate uhedge portfolio can be implemented by user | |
virtual int | getUhedgePortfolioId (const QString &portfolioName) |
getUhedgePortfolioId To get the Uhedge Portfolio id from passed portfolio name can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual const QString & | getUhedgePortfolioNameFromId (const int portfolioId) |
getUhedgePortfolioNameFromId To get the uhedge portfolio name from passed portfolio id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateStrategyVsUhedgePortfolioMap (long strategyId, const QString &uhedgePortfolioName) |
updateStrategyVsUhedgePortfolioMap To update the strategyvsuhedge portfolio of passed strategy id with passed uhedge portfolio name can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getPortfolioFieldCount () |
getPortfolioFieldCount To Count and give the number of portfolio fields can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onModifyStrategy () |
onModifyStrategy To Modify the Strategy values while it is running can be implemented by user | |
Public Member Functions | |
BaseStrategyWrapper () | |
BaseStrategyWrapper Explicit constructor to prevent implicit conversions. | |
~BaseStrategyWrapper () | |
~BaseStrategyWrapper A destructor | |
void | setApiPointer (APIWrapper *ptr) |
setApiPointer To copy the value of one pointer to another More... | |
virtual bool | isProcessingEvent () |
isProcessingEvent Checks whether if any event is under process or not can be implemented by user default return value is false More... | |
virtual void | initialize () |
initialize To initialize the strategy at the begining with default values can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | isDisplayInLots () |
isDisplayInLots To check whether to show the lot size or quantity of lots can be implemented by user default return value is false More... | |
virtual void | setMarketAndSecurityId (qlonglong symbolId) |
setMarketAndSecurityId To set the market and security id using symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QStandardItemModel * | getTableModel () |
getTableModel To get the structure of the table can be implemented by user By default return NULL More... | |
virtual void | setRatioChecked (bool ratio) |
setRatioChecked To enable/disable the writing to table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setStrategyContainer (QGroupBox *strategyContainer, QPushButton *showHideLegPushButton) |
setStrategyContainer To Show/Hide the group box containing the strategy parameters can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateOrderType (QComboBox *orderType) |
populateOrderType To add the order types in the combo box "Limit" "Market" "Stop" "Stop Limit" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateBiddingLeg (QComboBox *comboBoxBiddingLong, short legCount) |
populateBiddingLeg To add the bidding leg in the combo box "First Leg" "Seconf Leg" "Third Leg" "Fourth Leg" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateHedgeMethods (QComboBox *comboBoxHedgeMethod, bool isActualDiffAllowed=false) |
populateHedgeMethods To add the hedge methods in the combo box "Market Order" "Best Bid/Ask" "Hit Bid/Ask" "Actual Diff IOC Best" "Actual Diff" "Actual Diff Limit Best" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateBaseSpread (QComboBox *baseSpread) |
populateBaseSpread To add 2 leg/3 leg bid diff spred type "Hit Spread" "Try Spred" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateSpreadType (QComboBox *comboSpreadType) |
populateSpreadType To add 2 leg/3 leg spred type "Prod Diff" "Actual Diff" "Base Diff" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateExecutionStyle (QComboBox *comboSpreadType) |
populateExecutionStyle To add the execution style "TWAP" "POV" "PRICE BAND" "NO EXEC" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getDbIndex (const QString name) |
getDbIndex To get the index of name from database can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | addtoParamsGroup (API2::StrategyParamMap *paramMap) |
addtoParamsGroup To add new parameter in the database can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isPushButtonEnabled (short button) |
isPushButtonEnabled To check whether given button is enabled/disabled in button panel can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QGroupBox * | getButtonPanel () |
getButtonPanel Gives Pointer to Button panel can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QPushButton * | getpushButton (short button) |
getpushButton To get the Pointer to passed button can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateSpreadTerm (QComboBox *spreadTerm) |
populateSpreadTerm To add 2 leg spred type "ABS" "BPS" can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getPortFolioId () |
getPortFolioId To get the Portfolio id of the selected portfolio can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getPortFolioName () |
getPortFolioName To get the Portfolio name of the selected portfolio can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getstrategyName () |
getstrategyName To get the strategy name can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getLegTypeStr (short leg) |
getLegTypeStr To get the string of leg type can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual API2::LEGS | getLegType (QString str) |
getLegType To get the enum value of leg type can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | addToMainStrategyWindow (QVBoxLayout *tableviewLayout) |
addToMainStrategyWindow To add the table layout to the strategy window can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | addSymbolPanel (const short instrument, SymbolPanelElements *elements, bool isExpiry, bool addExchanges=true) |
addSymbolPanel To add symbol panel details in the strategy can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QVariant | getTableData (int row, int col) |
getTableData To get the data from table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isStrategyReadyState () |
isStrategyReadyState To check whether the strategy is in ready state or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onLoadOldStrategies () |
onLoadOldStrategies To Get the old strategies from database on starting strategy and decides what happens to them can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | runStrategy (int row=-1, bool isWriteMethod=false, bool isModifyFromAltM=false) |
runStrategy To run the strategy and update the table layout can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | insertHashRowSymbolId (int row, int symbolIdIndex, qlonglong quantity, int orderModeIndex, short strategyType, qlonglong underlyingSymbolId=0) |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert Row , symbol id index, quantity, order mode index and strategy type in the hash can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | insertHashRowSymbolId (BaseSymbolIds *symbolIds, int row, int symbolIdIndex, qlonglong quantity, int orderModeIndex, short strategyType, qlonglong underlyingSymbolId=0) |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert symbol ids, row, symbol ids, quantity, order mode index and strategy type in the hash can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | insertHashRowSymbolId (int row, int symbolIdIndex, qlonglong quantity) |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert row, symbol id index and quantity in the hash can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | restoreTableHeaderState () |
restoreTableHeaderState To Get the changes done last time on the table headers can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | updateTableView () |
updateTableView Updates the table view with latest changes can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | checkForUnderLying () |
checkForUnderLying Checks for underlying can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onRemoveAllClicked () |
onRemoveAllClicked Removes all the rows from the table can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | setTableData (int row, int col, QVariant data) |
setTableData Used to set Particular data on particular column in a partical row can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setColumnBackGround (int row, int colIndex, QColor color) |
setColumnBackGround Sets given color in the background at that particular row and column can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setStrategyInSingleRow (short count) |
setStrategyInSingleRow Make sure only single row is created at a time can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | disableColumn (QStandardItem *item, bool isDefaultColor=true) |
disableColumn Used to disable a particular column and make its color default can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateSpreadInPortfolio () |
updateSpreadInPortfolio Updates spread details of portfolio in the strategy table can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | addDefaultParameter (QString name, short type, QWidget *element, QWidget *elementGroup=0) |
addDefaultParameter To add default parameters to a widget can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | addNewSectionDefaultSetting (QString containerName) |
addNewSectionDefaultSetting To add a new container and giving it default settings can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | resetData (QString str, QComboBox *combo) |
resetData To reset the data of combo box containing str can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | loadDeafaultValuseFromFile () |
loadDeafaultValuseFromFile To load default values from file can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | applyDefaultValues (const QStringList &ignoredkey=(QStringList()<< Unknownstr)) |
applyDefaultValues To apply default values to all except ignored key can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | applyDefaultValue (QString) |
applyDefaultValue To apply default value to passed key can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | setDVMFocusWiget (QString focusWidgetKey) |
setDVMFocusWiget To set the focus on the passed focus widget key can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | closeDefaultManager () |
closeDefaultManager To close the default value manager can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | setDefaultValuesHash (QHash< QString, QString > &defaultValuesMap) |
setDefaultValuesHash To set the default value to reset hash can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setSymbolToolTip (API2::LEGS leg, const char *tooltip) |
symbolPanel More... | |
virtual void | setItmStatus (bool itmStatue) |
setItmStatus To set the opt type combo box activate and put default value to it can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getLegsSymbolId (API2::LEGS leg) |
getLegsSymbolId To get the symbol id of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateSymbolPRO (API2::LEGS leg, qlonglong symbolId) |
populateSymbolPRO To populate the ui with details of passed symbol id and in the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateAccountDetail (API2::LEGS leg, qlonglong symbolId) |
populateAccountDetail To populate account details using passed symbol id and in the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | enableSymbolPanel (API2::LEGS leg, bool isEnable, bool isAccountDetail=true, bool isNewButtonClicked=true) |
enableSymbolPanel To enable the symbol panel fields of passed leg on pressing new push button can be overriden More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentSymbol (API2::LEGS leg) |
getCurrentSymbol To get the current symbol id of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentExpiry (API2::LEGS leg) |
getCurrentExpiry To get the current expiry details of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | enableAccountDetailUI (API2::LEGS leg, bool status) |
enableAccountDetailUI To enable the account details in the UI of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onComboBoxOptTypeActivated (short leg, QString arg) |
onComboBoxOptTypeActivated On combo box opt type activated of passed leg it gives values to strike price and expiry details canbe overridden More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentMarket (API2::LEGS leg) |
getCurrentMarket To get the current market details of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | showHidePanel (API2::LEGS leg, bool status) |
showHidePanel To show symbol panel fields pass true and to hide pass false of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setSymbol (API2::LEGS leg, QString symbol) |
setSymbol To activate the search for entering text to match with any symbol and gives combo box features to it on the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | validateData (API2::LEGS leg) |
validateData Validate all the entered details and return true everything is valid on the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | disabledFeilds (API2::LEGS leg, API2::SYM_PANEL element) |
disabledFeilds To disable any particular element in the symbol panel of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | hideFeilds (API2::LEGS leg, API2::SYM_PANEL element) |
hideFeilds To hide any particualr element from the symbol panel of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | clearLegDetails (API2::LEGS leg) |
clearLegDetails To clear the leg details of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentInstrument (short leg, const QString &inst, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentInstrument To set the passed instrument text as the current text on the instrument field on the passed leg and whether to block signal while doing it or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentInstrument (short leg, int index, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentInstrument To set the passed instrument index as the current index on the instrument field on the passed leg and whether to block signal while doing it or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentInstrument (short leg) |
getCurrentInstrument To get the current instrument from instrument field from the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentStrike (short leg, const QString &strike, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentStrike To set the passed strike price text as the current strike price on the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentStrike (short leg, int index, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentStrike To set the passed strike price index as the current strike price on the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentStrike (short leg) |
getCurrentStrike To get the current strike price from the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentOptType (short leg, short index, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentOptType To set the passed opt type index as the current opt type in the opt type field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getCurrentOptType (short leg) |
getCurrentOptType To get the current opt type from the opt type field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentOrderMode (short leg, short index, bool isBlockSignal=false) |
setCurrentOrderMode To set the passed order mode index as the current order mode in the order mode field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getCurrentLotSize (short leg) |
getCurrentLotSize To get the current lot size from the lot size field of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | enableDisableOptType (short leg, bool isEnable) |
enableDisableOptType To enable/disable opt type field according to requirement from the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | enableDisableStrikePrice (short leg, bool isEnable) |
enableDisableStrikePrice To enable/disable strike price field according to requirement from the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QComboBox * | getFilterWidgetComboBox (int index) |
CommonTableView. More... | |
virtual QModelIndex | getCurrentIndex () |
getCurrentIndex To get the current index from the table view after maping to source can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QModelIndex | getProxyModelIndex () |
getProxyModelIndex To get the current index form strategy table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isEditableColumn (int column) |
isEditableColumn To get whether the passed column is editable form the strategy table view or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setDelegateStepSize (double stepSize, short elementType, short decimals=2) |
setDelegateStepSize To set the single step size of passed element type can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setDelegateMinValue (double minval, short elementType) |
setDelegateMinValue To set the minimum possible value of the passed element type can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | edit (QModelIndex &index) |
edit To edit particular passed index can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getRowCount () |
getRowCount To get the count of total number of rows present can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setFocus () |
setFocus To set focus on anything can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | getEditableFieldData (qlonglong adminTokenId, QSqlRecord &records) |
getEditableFieldData To get the data of all the editable columns of passed admin token id from the strategy table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getCashSymbolId (QString source, QString market, QString symbol) |
CommonMethods. More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getFutureSymbolId (QString source, QString market, QString symbol, QString strDate) |
getFutureSymbolId To get the secuirity id of future method from the scrip master containing the passed deatils can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getOptionSymbolId (QString source, QString market, QString symbol, QString strDate, QString optionType, QString strikePrice) |
getOptionSymbolId To get the secuirity id of option method from the scrip master containing the passed deatils can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getUnderlyingFutSymbolId (qlonglong symbolId) |
getUnderlyingFutSymbolId To get the future symbol id in reference with passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | maturityDayMonYearToString (int day, int yearMon) |
maturityDayMonYearToString To convert the passed day and yearmon in the string date format can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | sortExpiryDate (QStringList expDateList, QStringList &sortedExpDateList) |
sortExpiryDate To sort the expiry dates list and save it in the passed reference sortedExpDateList list can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | convertExpiryToMonStr (QString &expiry) |
convertExpiryToMonStr To convert expiry month number to month abbreviation string can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | convertExpiryToMonNumber (QString &expiry) |
convertExpiryToMonNumber To convert expiry month name string to month number string can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getPrecisionAndMultiplier (qlonglong symbolId, double &multiplier, short &precision) |
getPrecisionAndMultiplier To get the multiplier and precision from the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual double | getPriceMultiplier (qlonglong symbolId) |
getPriceMultiplier To get the price multiplier of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getScripName (qlonglong symbolId) |
getScripName To get the scrip name of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | printSqlError (QSqlQuery &query) |
printSqlError To print the error coming at the time of executing query can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | printSqlError (QSqlQuery &query, QString fileName, QString funcName, int line) |
printSqlError To get the address of the error coming while executing the query can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual short | configFileValue (const char *str) |
configFileValue To get short value of the passed config file value key string can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | configFileValueStr (const char *str) |
configFileValueStr To get the string value of the passed config file value key string can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getFileName () |
getFileName To get the name of the file can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual const API2::SymbolDetail & | getSymbolIdDetail (qlonglong symbolId) |
getSymbolIdDetail To get all the details of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getUserId () |
getUserId To get the user id of the logged in user can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | writeOnSocket (char *buffer, qint64 bytes, qint64 &bytesWritten) |
writeOnSocket To write the data on the buffer in connected state to pass it through the socket to backend can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getAccountDetailList (qlonglong adminTokenId, QList< qlonglong > &symbolIdList, QStringList &cCodePCodeList) |
getAccountDetailList To get the list of all the accounts contianing passed admin token id in passed cCodePCodeList can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getLastLogOutTime () |
getLastLogOutTime To get the last log out time of current user can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | hideShowCommonButtonPanelWidgets (API2::CTRL_BTN hideShowCheckBox, bool isShowHide) |
hideShowCommonButtonPanelWidgets To show/hide the hideshow check box on the button panel can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getLastTradePrice (qlonglong symbolId) |
getLastTradePrice To get last traded price of the passed symbol id from the the market can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getVolume (qlonglong symbolId) |
getVolume To get the volume of the passed symbol id from the market can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateAccountDetail (const int row) |
updateAccountDetail To update the account deatils of the passed row of the database can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateAccountDetailOnEdit (const int row, const int col, API2::LEGS leg) |
updateAccountDetailOnEdit To update account details of the row and column in the database of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isKeyExists (QString clientCode, qlonglong symbolId) |
isKeyExists To check whether the client contains the symbol id or not More... | |
virtual API2::AccountDetail | getAccountDetailFromDb (qlonglong adminTokenId, short leg) |
getAccountDetailFromDb To get the account details of the passed admin token id from the database of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateResponse (QSharedPointer< API2::Strategy > strategyResponseSharedPtr) |
updateResponse To get the response type and took action accordingly can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual SpreadDetails * | getSpreadDetail (int row) |
getSpreadDetail To get the spread details of passed row can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | getBidAsk (qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong &bidPrice, qlonglong &askPrice, int position=0) |
getBidAsk To get the bid price and ask price of the passed symbol id from the market data of the passed position can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual qlonglong | getBidAskQty (qlonglong symbolId, const short &side, int position=0) |
getBidAskQty To get the bid quantity or ask quantity of the passed symbol id from the market data can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getIvOrVegaVal (qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong &bidIv, qlonglong &askIv, short mode, double &bidVega, double &askVega, bool calculateVega, qlonglong underlyingSymbolId) |
getIvOrVegaVal To get the bidIv and askIv and bidVega and askVega values after calculations in their references using the symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getIvVegaPrice (qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong price, short, qlonglong underlyingSymbolId, qlonglong &ivPrice, double &vega, bool isVegaCalculate) |
getIvVegaPrice To get the ivPrice and vega after calculations using the symbol id and price can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onEscapePressed () |
onEscapePressed On pressing Escape key the strategy window will get minimized can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | onRunActivated () |
onRunActivated On pressing Run push button or clicking the check box of particular row, the strategy will start to run can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | onCtrlSpacePressed () |
onCtrlSpacePressed On pressing Ctrl Space it uncheckes the selected row and checks the selcted row can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | onUpKeyPressed () |
onUpKeyPressed On pressing up key if strategy container is visible then it hides it otherwise show it can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | OnDownKeyPressed () |
OnDownKeyPressed On down key preesing it make sure that strategy container is visible can be implemented by user. | |
virtual void | insertTradeWiseTrackerList (QSharedPointer< API2::TradeWiseTrackerData > &tradeWiseTrackerData) |
insertTradeWiseTrackerList It appends the trade wise tracker data in the track wise tracker list can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateStrategyState (int row) |
updateStrategyState It updates the checkbox state and background colour On ready state it uncheck the checkbox of passed row and set color to red On run state it checks the check box of passed row and set color to green can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getStrategyRowFromAdminTokenId (const qlonglong &adminTokenId) |
getStrategyRowFromAdminTokenId To get the admin token id value from the strategy row can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getPortFolioRowFromPortfolioId (const qlonglong &portID) |
getPortFolioRowFromPortfolioId To get the portfolio row value from the portfolio id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCommandCategory (COMMAND_CATEGORY_TYPE) |
setCommandCategory To set the command category type Generic Strategy Terminate Strategy Pause Strategy can be implemented by user | |
virtual COMMAND_CATEGORY_TYPE | getCommandCategory () |
getCommandCategory To get the command category type can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | receiveApiResponse (const API2::API2_Response &api2_Response) |
receiveApiResponse To get the front end design and to set the api index of user params can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | modifyCancelOrders (qlonglong strategyId, API2::apiOrderBookParams *apiBookParams=NULL) |
modifyCancelOrders To modify/cancel the orders from the order book in orderontime can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QString | getStrategyState (int row) |
getStrategyState To get the strategy state of the passed row Run State Wait State Ready State can be overriden More... | |
virtual void | hideButtons (API2::CTRL_BTN btn) |
hideButtons To hide the passed button from button panel can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | hideShowColumns (QTableView *tableView, QString title, QList< int >, QWidget *parent, bool isColumn, QStandardItemModel *model) |
hideShowColumns To show/hide the passed column from the table view can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | addWidgetInButtonPanelGroup (QWidget *) |
addWidgetInButtonPanelGroup To add the passed widget in the button panel can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | setEditableModeRow (int row) |
setEditableModeRow To set the passed row in editable mode can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isShowHideTradedQtyChecked () |
isShowHideTradedQtyChecked To check whether the traded quantity checkbox is shown or hidden in the button panel can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | validateUniqueSpreadCheckEntry (const QString &uniqueKey, const QString &spreadKey, bool isModify, bool showPopup=true) |
validateUniqueSpreadCheckEntry To check whether the same spread value has been added to particular client or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | insertNewUniqueSpreadCheckEntry (const QString &uniqueKey, const QString &spreadKey) |
insertNewUniqueSpreadCheckEntry To add the spread key at the unique key if it does not have the same If does not contain unique key then add both can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | removeUniqueSpreadKeyValue (const QString &uniqueKey, const QString &spreadKey) |
removeUniqueSpreadKeyValue To remove the spread key present at unique key can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | clearUniqueSpreadPairs () |
clearUniqueSpreadPairs To clear the current and old unique key value pairs can be implemented by user | |
virtual QPair< QString, QString > & | getUniqueSpreadKeyValuePair (bool isNew=false) |
getUniqueSpreadKeyValuePair To get the unique spread key value pair If isNew is true then give the current unique key value pair Else give old unique key value pair can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setCurrentSpreadKeyValuePair (const QString &key, const QString &value) |
setCurrentSpreadKeyValuePair To set the current spread key and value as passed can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getFieldCount () |
getFieldCount Get the total number of parameters saved in parameter list can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | subscribeSymbol (qlonglong symbolId) |
subscribeSymbol Subscribe symbol to see all the feed of that particualar symbol using passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isProcessingDefaultValues () |
isProcessingDefaultValues To check whether the processing field contains default values or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual double | getGammaValue (qlonglong symbolId) |
getGammaValue To get the rate of change between an option's delta and the underlying asset's price of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | checkShowHideQuantity () |
checkShowHideQuantity If show hide check box is enabled and has focus and is visible then toggle it in the button panel can be implemented by user | |
virtual QString | getCmFoMarket (QString currentMarketId) |
getCmFoMarket To Get NSECM or NSEFO or BSECM or BSEFO Market from the passed current market id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isSpotMarket (QString currentMarketId) |
isSpotMarket Gives true if passed market id is present in the data can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getEditableModeRow () |
getEditableModeRow Returns the row which is in currently being edited can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown (bool isEnable) |
setIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown Set isspreadpopalreadyshown true if passed true can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | enableNewPushButton (bool isEnable) |
enableNewPushButton To Enable the new push button in the button panel if passed true can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isTableViewFocused () |
isTableViewFocused To check whether table view has focus or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | convertExpiryDate (QComboBox *comboBox) |
convertExpiryDate To convert expiry date from passed combo box to string date can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | initializeFirstLegSignals () |
initializeFirstLegSignals Initialize the signals to emit when first leg is selected can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | initializeSecondLegSignals () |
initializeSecondLegSignals Initialize the signals to emit when second leg is selected can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | initializeThirdLegSignals () |
initializeThirdLegSignals Initialize the signals to emit when third leg is selected can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | initializeFourthLegSignals () |
initializeFourthLegSignals Initialize the signals to emit when fourth leg is selected can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | initializeHedgeLegSignals () |
initializeHedgeLegSignals Initialize the signal to emit on market change when no leg is selected can be implemented by user | |
virtual void | keyPressEvent (QKeyEvent *event) |
keyPressEvent Call the button panel functions if that button has focus and is enabled can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getOfflineConfirmationMap (QHash< QString, RSP::OrderConfirmation * > &orderBookConfirmationMap) |
getOfflineConfirmationMap To get the confirmation of order from the passed order book confirmation map can be overriden More... | |
virtual QString | getOrderStatus (short orderStatus) |
getOrderStatus To Get the order status string Confirmed Filled Pending Cancelled Rejected And some other can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QComboBox * | getSymbolCombo (API2::LEGS leg) |
getSymbolCombo To get the symbol combo box on the strategy window of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onComboSymbolActivated (const QString &symbol, API2::LEGS leg) |
onComboSymbolActivated To emit signal on symbol combo box activated with passed symbol and leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | onComboSymbolLostFocus (API2::LEGS leg) |
onComboSymbolLostFocus To emit the signal of focuslost on loosing focus on symbol combo box with passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | resetWidgetStateOnValidation (API2::PORTFOLIO_STATE state, API2::PARAM *strategyParam, int lotSize=1) |
resetWidgetStateOnValidation To reset the value of strategy parameters on user interface on validation Adding points to double value fields in UI can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | updateSqlRecordOnEdit (int row) |
updateSqlRecordOnEdit To Update the Database records when commit the changes in the strategy table can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual QSqlQuery & | fillDetailsFromAdminTokenId (const UNSIGNED_LONG adminTokenId, QString condition) |
fillDetailsFromAdminTokenId To get the query containg the details of strategy using admin token id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getGtcOrderConfirmationVector (QVector< RSP::OrderConfirmation * > &orderConfirmationVector) |
getGtcOrderConfirmationVector To get the good till order confirmation vector in the passed vector can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isGtcOrder (short orderValidity) |
isGtcOrder Gives true if order validity is gtc(good till cancelled) can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setLastLogOutTime (qlonglong time) |
setLastLogOutTime Saves the last logout time in the file canbe overridden More... | |
virtual double | getGreeksDelta (qlonglong symbolId) |
getGreeksDelta To get rate of change between the option's price and a $1 change in the underlying asset's price of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | getIsLoadFromMarketWatch () |
getIsLoadFromMarketWatch Gives true if data model is loaded from market watch can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isSymbolPanelInitialized (API2::LEGS leg) |
isSymbolPanelInitialized Gives true if symbol panel is initialized for passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isSenderLeg (API2::LEGS leg, QObject *object) |
isSenderLeg To check whether the passed object is present in the symbol panel list of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | processMktData (qlonglong symbolId) |
processMktData To process the market data of passed symbol if not processing Othnerwise update it can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | symbolActivated (API2::LEGS leg) |
symbolActivated To give the completion to the entered symbol in symbol combo box can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setSpreadPopOnAddPortfolio (bool flag) |
setSpreadPopOnAddPortfolio To enable/disable the spread pop up on adding new portfolio can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | setDelegatesFocusOut () |
setDelegatesFocusOut To set the focus out from the strategy table can be implemented by user | |
virtual bool | validateAccountDetailOnLoad (const QString &clientCode, qlonglong symbolId) |
validateAccountDetailOnLoad Gives true if account details given at the time adding new strategy is valid can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | getAccountDetailFromPortfolio (API2::LEGS leg, const QStringList &dataList, QString &accountDetail) |
getAccountDetailFromPortfolio To get the account details from the passed datalist of the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isModifyState () |
isModifyState Gives true if selected strategy is in run state and instead of run it shows modify can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isUnderLyingStock () |
isUnderLyingStock Gives true if underlying type is stock can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual bool | isEditState () |
isEditState Checks wheteher the edit push button in the button panel is enabled or not can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual int | getClientCodePortfolioIndex (API2::LEGS leg) |
getClientCodePortfolioIndex To get the client code from the portfolio of passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | movePortfolioIndex (QStringList &dataList, int fromIndex, int toIndex) |
movePortfolioIndex To move the portfolio in passed data list from passed fromindex to passed toindex can be implemented by user More... | |
virtual void | populateLeg (API2::LEGS leg, qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong adminTokenId) |
populateLeg To populate the details of passed symbol id with passed admin token id on the passed leg can be implemented by user More... | |
Public Attributes | |
ColumnIndex | _col |
_col Object of ColumnIndex Structure To get the data of any column | |
QHash< int,QList< BaseSymbolIds * > > | _hashRowSymboID |
_hashRowSymboID Contains the rows of data of symbol id and its details | |
QQueue< QSharedPointer< API2::Strategy > > | _responseQueue |
_responseQueue Contains the queue of strategy responses | |
QHash< int,SpreadDetails * > | _hashRowSpreadDetail |
_hashRowSpreadDetail Hash containing the spread details in different rows | |
APIWrapper * | _ApiPointer |
_ApiPointer A pointer object of APIWrapper Class | |
The BaseStrategyWrapper class The main class to be inherited for creating a new strategy.
inlinevirtual |
addDefaultParameter To add default parameters to a widget can be implemented by user
name | |
type | |
element | |
elementGroup |
inlinevirtual |
addNewSectionDefaultSetting To add a new container and giving it default settings can be implemented by user
containerName |
inlinevirtual |
addSymbolPanel To add symbol panel details in the strategy can be implemented by user
instrument | instrument enum value |
elements | Symbol Panel Elements pointer |
isExpiry | whether expire or not default value is false |
addExchanges | whether add exchange or not default value is true |
inlinevirtual |
addToMainStrategyWindow To add the table layout to the strategy window can be implemented by user
tableviewLayout | Layout Widget object name |
inlinevirtual |
addtoParamsGroup To add new parameter in the database can be implemented by user
paramMap | Pointer containig parameter information |
inlinevirtual |
applyDefaultValues To apply default values to all except ignored key can be implemented by user
ignoredkey |
inlinevirtual |
checkForUnderLying Checks for underlying can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
clearLegDetails To clear the leg details of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
configFileValue To get short value of the passed config file value key string can be implemented by user
str |
inlinevirtual |
configFileValueStr To get the string value of the passed config file value key string can be implemented by user
str |
inlinevirtual |
convertExpiryDate To convert expiry date from passed combo box to string date can be implemented by user
comboBox |
inlinevirtual |
convertExpiryToMonNumber To convert expiry month name string to month number string can be implemented by user
expiry |
inlinevirtual |
convertExpiryToMonStr To convert expiry month number to month abbreviation string can be implemented by user
expiry |
inlinevirtualslot |
deleteParamsCommand To delete the pointer object of abstract userparams class can be implemented by user
genericPtr |
inlinevirtual |
disableColumn Used to disable a particular column and make its color default can be implemented by user
item | |
isDefaultColor | By default true |
inlinevirtual |
disabledFeilds To disable any particular element in the symbol panel of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
element |
inlinevirtual |
edit To edit particular passed index can be implemented by user
index |
inlinevirtual |
enableAccountDetailUI To enable the account details in the UI of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
status |
inlinevirtual |
enableDisableOptType To enable/disable opt type field according to requirement from the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
isEnable |
inlinevirtual |
enableDisableStrikePrice To enable/disable strike price field according to requirement from the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
isEnable |
inlinevirtual |
enableNewPushButton To Enable the new push button in the button panel if passed true can be implemented by user
isEnable |
inlinevirtual |
enableSymbolPanel To enable the symbol panel fields of passed leg on pressing new push button can be overriden
leg | |
isEnable | |
isAccountDetail | |
isNewButtonClicked |
inlinevirtual |
fillDetailsFromAdminTokenId To get the query containg the details of strategy using admin token id can be implemented by user
adminTokenId | |
condition |
inlinevirtual |
getAccountDetailFromDb To get the account details of the passed admin token id from the database of the passed leg can be implemented by user
adminTokenId | |
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getAccountDetailFromPortfolio To get the account details from the passed datalist of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
dataList | |
accountDetail |
inlinevirtual |
getAccountDetailList To get the list of all the accounts contianing passed admin token id in passed cCodePCodeList can be implemented by user
adminTokenId | |
symbolIdList | |
cCodePCodeList |
inlinevirtual |
getBidAsk To get the bid price and ask price of the passed symbol id from the market data of the passed position can be implemented by user
symbolId | |
bidPrice | |
askPrice | |
position |
inlinevirtual |
getBidAskQty To get the bid quantity or ask quantity of the passed symbol id from the market data can be implemented by user
symbolId | |
side | Either buy or sell |
position |
inlinevirtual |
getButtonPanel Gives Pointer to Button panel can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getCashSymbolId To get the secuirity id of cash method from the scrip master containing the passed details can be implemented by user
source | |
market | |
symbol |
inlinevirtual |
getClientCodePortfolioIndex To get the client code from the portfolio of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCmFoMarket To Get NSECM or NSEFO or BSECM or BSEFO Market from the passed current market id can be implemented by user
currentMarketId |
inlinevirtual |
getCommandCategory To get the command category type can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentExpiry To get the current expiry details of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentIndex To get the current index from the table view after maping to source can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentInstrument To get the current instrument from instrument field from the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentLotSize To get the current lot size from the lot size field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentMarket To get the current market details of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentOptType To get the current opt type from the opt type field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentStrike To get the current strike price from the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getCurrentSymbol To get the current symbol id of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getDbIndex To get the index of name from database can be implemented by user
name | Parameter name |
inlinevirtual |
getEditableFieldData To get the data of all the editable columns of passed admin token id from the strategy table can be implemented by user
adminTokenId | |
records |
inlinevirtual |
getEditableModeRow Returns the row which is in currently being edited can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getFieldCount Get the total number of parameters saved in parameter list can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getFileName To get the name of the file can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getFilterWidgetComboBox To get the filter widget header in table view can be implemented by user
index |
inlinevirtual |
getFutureSymbolId To get the secuirity id of future method from the scrip master containing the passed deatils can be implemented by user
source | |
market | |
symbol | |
strDate |
inlinevirtual |
getGammaValue To get the rate of change between an option's delta and the underlying asset's price of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getGreeksDelta To get rate of change between the option's price and a $1 change in the underlying asset's price of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getGtcOrderConfirmationVector To get the good till order confirmation vector in the passed vector can be implemented by user
orderConfirmationVector |
inlinevirtual |
getIsLoadFromMarketWatch Gives true if data model is loaded from market watch can be implemented by user
inlinevirtualslot |
getIsOldPositionUploadAllowed Gives true if old position upload is allowed can be implemented by user
inlinevirtualslot |
getIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown Gives true if spread pop up is already shown can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getIvOrVegaVal To get the bidIv and askIv and bidVega and askVega values after calculations in their references using the symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId | |
bidIv | |
askIv | |
mode | |
bidVega | |
askVega | |
calculateVega | |
underlyingSymbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getIvVegaPrice To get the ivPrice and vega after calculations using the symbol id and price can be implemented by user
symbolId | |
price | |
underlyingSymbolId | |
ivPrice | |
vega | |
isVegaCalculate |
inlinevirtual |
getLastLogOutTime To get the last log out time of current user can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getLastTradePrice To get last traded price of the passed symbol id from the the market can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getLegsSymbolId To get the symbol id of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getLegType To get the enum value of leg type can be implemented by user
str | Leg type name |
inlinevirtual |
getLegTypeStr To get the string of leg type can be implemented by user
leg | enum value of leg |
inlinevirtualslot |
getNewParamsCommand To get the pointer object reference of abstract user params class can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getOfflineConfirmationMap To get the confirmation of order from the passed order book confirmation map can be overriden
orderBookConfirmationMap |
inlinevirtualslot |
getOptionsConRevCombination To get the options con rev combination can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getOptionSymbolId To get the secuirity id of option method from the scrip master containing the passed deatils can be implemented by user
source | |
market | |
symbol | |
strDate | |
optionType | |
strikePrice |
inlinevirtual |
getOrderStatus To Get the order status string Confirmed Filled Pending Cancelled Rejected And some other can be implemented by user
orderStatus |
inlinevirtualslot |
getParamsCommand To get the data using pointer object of abstract user params can be overriden
inlinevirtualslot |
getPortfolioFieldCount To Count and give the number of portfolio fields can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getPortFolioId To get the Portfolio id of the selected portfolio can be implemented by user
---------— Getters ------------—
inlinevirtual |
getPortFolioName To get the Portfolio name of the selected portfolio can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getPortFolioRowFromPortfolioId To get the portfolio row value from the portfolio id can be implemented by user
portID |
inlinevirtual |
getPrecisionAndMultiplier To get the multiplier and precision from the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId | |
multiplier | |
precision |
inlinevirtual |
getPriceMultiplier To get the price multiplier of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getProxyModelIndex To get the current index form strategy table can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getpushButton To get the Pointer to passed button can be implemented by user
button | Enum value of button |
inlinevirtual |
getRowCount To get the count of total number of rows present can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getScripName To get the scrip name of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getSpreadDetail To get the spread details of passed row can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
getstrategyName To get the strategy name can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getStrategyRowFromAdminTokenId To get the admin token id value from the strategy row can be implemented by user
adminTokenId |
inlinevirtual |
getStrategyState To get the strategy state of the passed row Run State Wait State Ready State can be overriden
row |
inlinevirtual |
getSymbolCombo To get the symbol combo box on the strategy window of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
getSymbolIdDetail To get all the details of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getTableData To get the data from table can be implemented by user
row | Row number |
col | Column number |
inlinevirtual |
getTableModel To get the structure of the table can be implemented by user By default return NULL
inlinevirtualslot |
getUhedgePortfolioId To get the Uhedge Portfolio id from passed portfolio name can be implemented by user
portfolioName |
inlinevirtualslot |
getUhedgePortfolioNameFromId To get the uhedge portfolio name from passed portfolio id can be implemented by user
portfolioId |
inlinevirtual |
getUnderlyingFutSymbolId To get the future symbol id in reference with passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
getUniqueSpreadKeyValuePair To get the unique spread key value pair If isNew is true then give the current unique key value pair Else give old unique key value pair can be implemented by user
isNew |
inlinevirtual |
getUserId To get the user id of the logged in user can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
getVolume To get the volume of the passed symbol id from the market can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
hideButtons To hide the passed button from button panel can be implemented by user
btn |
inlinevirtual |
hideFeilds To hide any particualr element from the symbol panel of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
element |
inlinevirtual |
hideShowColumns To show/hide the passed column from the table view can be implemented by user
tableView | |
title | |
parent | |
isColumn | |
model |
inlinevirtual |
hideShowCommonButtonPanelWidgets To show/hide the hideshow check box on the button panel can be implemented by user
hideShowCheckBox | |
isShowHide |
inlinevirtual |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert Row , symbol id index, quantity, order mode index and strategy type in the hash can be implemented by user
row | Row to be inserted |
symbolIdIndex | |
quantity | |
orderModeIndex | |
strategyType | |
underlyingSymbolId |
inlinevirtual |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert symbol ids, row, symbol ids, quantity, order mode index and strategy type in the hash can be implemented by user
symbolIds | |
row | |
symbolIdIndex | |
quantity | |
orderModeIndex | |
strategyType | |
underlyingSymbolId |
inlinevirtual |
insertHashRowSymbolId Insert row, symbol id index and quantity in the hash can be implemented by user
row | |
symbolIdIndex | |
quantity |
inlinevirtual |
insertNewUniqueSpreadCheckEntry To add the spread key at the unique key if it does not have the same If does not contain unique key then add both can be implemented by user
uniqueKey | |
spreadKey |
inlinevirtual |
insertTradeWiseTrackerList It appends the trade wise tracker data in the track wise tracker list can be implemented by user
tradeWiseTrackerData |
inlinevirtual |
isDisplayInLots To check whether to show the lot size or quantity of lots can be implemented by user default return value is false
inlinevirtual |
isEditableColumn To get whether the passed column is editable form the strategy table view or not can be implemented by user
column |
inlinevirtual |
isEditState Checks wheteher the edit push button in the button panel is enabled or not can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isGtcOrder Gives true if order validity is gtc(good till cancelled) can be implemented by user
orderValidity |
inlinevirtual |
isKeyExists To check whether the client contains the symbol id or not
clientCode | |
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
isModifyState Gives true if selected strategy is in run state and instead of run it shows modify can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isProcessingDefaultValues To check whether the processing field contains default values or not can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isProcessingEvent Checks whether if any event is under process or not can be implemented by user default return value is false
inlinevirtual |
isPushButtonEnabled To check whether given button is enabled/disabled in button panel can be implemented by user
button | enum value of button |
inlinevirtual |
isSenderLeg To check whether the passed object is present in the symbol panel list of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
object |
inlinevirtual |
isShowHideTradedQtyChecked To check whether the traded quantity checkbox is shown or hidden in the button panel can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isSpotMarket Gives true if passed market id is present in the data can be implemented by user
currentMarketId |
inlinevirtual |
isStrategyReadyState To check whether the strategy is in ready state or not can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isSymbolPanelInitialized Gives true if symbol panel is initialized for passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
isTableViewFocused To check whether table view has focus or not can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
isUnderLyingStock Gives true if underlying type is stock can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
keyPressEvent Call the button panel functions if that button has focus and is enabled can be implemented by user
event |
inlinevirtual |
maturityDayMonYearToString To convert the passed day and yearmon in the string date format can be implemented by user
day | |
yearMon |
inlinevirtual |
modifyCancelOrders To modify/cancel the orders from the order book in orderontime can be implemented by user
strategyId | |
apiBookParams |
inlinevirtual |
movePortfolioIndex To move the portfolio in passed data list from passed fromindex to passed toindex can be implemented by user
dataList | |
fromIndex | |
toIndex |
inlinevirtualslot |
on_AddPushButton_Clicked Add the parameter values to the database Updates the strategy table can be implemented by user
inlinevirtualslot |
on_CommitPushButton_Clicked Save the changes made to selected row in the database can be implemented by user
isModifyFromAltM |
inlinevirtualslot |
on_EditPushButton_Clicked Edit the parameter values of any selected row can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
onComboBoxOptTypeActivated On combo box opt type activated of passed leg it gives values to strike price and expiry details canbe overridden
leg | |
arg |
inlinevirtual |
onComboSymbolActivated To emit signal on symbol combo box activated with passed symbol and leg can be implemented by user
symbol | |
leg |
inlinevirtual |
onComboSymbolLostFocus To emit the signal of focuslost on loosing focus on symbol combo box with passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
onLoadOldStrategies To Get the old strategies from database on starting strategy and decides what happens to them can be implemented by user
----------------— Setters ----------—
inlinevirtual |
populateAccountDetail To populate account details using passed symbol id and in the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
populateBaseSpread To add 2 leg/3 leg bid diff spred type "Hit Spread" "Try Spred" can be implemented by user
baseSpread | Combo box widget object name |
inlinevirtual |
populateBiddingLeg To add the bidding leg in the combo box "First Leg" "Seconf Leg" "Third Leg" "Fourth Leg" can be implemented by user
comboBoxBiddingLong | Combo box widget object name |
legCount | Number of legs to add |
inlinevirtual |
populateExecutionStyle To add the execution style "TWAP" "POV" "PRICE BAND" "NO EXEC" can be implemented by user
comboSpreadType | Combo box widget object name |
inlinevirtual |
populateHedgeMethods To add the hedge methods in the combo box "Market Order" "Best Bid/Ask" "Hit Bid/Ask" "Actual Diff IOC Best" "Actual Diff" "Actual Diff Limit Best" can be implemented by user
comboBoxHedgeMethod | Combo box widget object name |
isActualDiffAllowed | Whether to add Actual diff in the hedge methods |
inlinevirtualslot |
populateHedgingPortfolio To populate hedge portfolio name list in the passed combo box can be implemented by user
comboBox |
inlinevirtual |
populateLeg To populate the details of passed symbol id with passed admin token id on the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
symbolId | |
adminTokenId |
inlinevirtual |
populateOrderType To add the order types in the combo box "Limit" "Market" "Stop" "Stop Limit" can be implemented by user
orderType | combo box widget object name |
inlinevirtual |
populateSpreadTerm To add 2 leg spred type "ABS" "BPS" can be implemented by user
spreadTerm | Combo box widget object name |
inlinevirtual |
populateSpreadType To add 2 leg/3 leg spred type "Prod Diff" "Actual Diff" "Base Diff" can be implemented by user
comboSpreadType | Combo box widget object name |
inlinevirtualslot |
populateStrategyFromPortfolio To check strategy is populated from portfolio or not can be implemented by user
inlinevirtual |
populateSymbolPRO To populate the ui with details of passed symbol id and in the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
printSqlError To print the error coming at the time of executing query can be implemented by user
query |
inlinevirtual |
printSqlError To get the address of the error coming while executing the query can be implemented by user
query | |
fileName | |
funcName | |
line |
inlinevirtual |
processMktData To process the market data of passed symbol if not processing Othnerwise update it can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
receiveApiResponse To get the front end design and to set the api index of user params can be implemented by user
api2_Response |
inlinevirtualslot |
receiveStrategyResponse Receives response from hft and if it is success then put it in the queue can be implemented by user
strategyResponseSharedPtr | Shared Pointer containing the response |
inlinevirtual |
removeUniqueSpreadKeyValue To remove the spread key present at unique key can be implemented by user
uniqueKey | |
spreadKey |
inlinevirtual |
resetData To reset the data of combo box containing str can be implemented by user
str | |
combo |
inlinevirtual |
resetWidgetStateOnValidation To reset the value of strategy parameters on user interface on validation Adding points to double value fields in UI can be implemented by user
state | |
strategyParam | |
lotSize |
inlinevirtual |
runStrategy To run the strategy and update the table layout can be implemented by user
row | Row that has to run |
isWriteMethod | Whether to append the strategy details in queue Default value is false |
isModifyFromAltM | Whether to do some particular changes to button panel Default value is false |
inlinevirtualslot |
serializeParamsCommand To serialize the pointer objetc of abstract user params can be implemented by user
genericPtr |
inline |
setApiPointer To copy the value of one pointer to another
ptr | Another pointer of APIWrapper Class carrying some value |
inlinevirtual |
setColumnBackGround Sets given color in the background at that particular row and column can be implemented by user
row | |
colIndex | |
color |
inlinevirtualslot |
setCurrentIndexFromRow Select another row using passed row can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentInstrument To set the passed instrument text as the current text on the instrument field on the passed leg and whether to block signal while doing it or not can be implemented by user
leg | |
inst | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentInstrument To set the passed instrument index as the current index on the instrument field on the passed leg and whether to block signal while doing it or not can be implemented by user
leg | |
index | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentOptType To set the passed opt type index as the current opt type in the opt type field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
index | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentOrderMode To set the passed order mode index as the current order mode in the order mode field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
index | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentSpreadKeyValuePair To set the current spread key and value as passed can be implemented by user
key | |
value |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentStrike To set the passed strike price text as the current strike price on the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
strike | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setCurrentStrike To set the passed strike price index as the current strike price on the strike price field of the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
index | |
isBlockSignal |
inlinevirtual |
setDefaultValuesHash To set the default value to reset hash can be implemented by user
defaultValuesMap |
inlinevirtual |
setDelegateMinValue To set the minimum possible value of the passed element type can be implemented by user
minval | |
elementType |
inlinevirtual |
setDelegateStepSize To set the single step size of passed element type can be implemented by user
stepSize | |
elementType | |
decimals | Decimals for double spin box |
inlinevirtual |
setDVMFocusWiget To set the focus on the passed focus widget key can be implemented by user
focusWidgetKey |
inlinevirtual |
setEditableModeRow To set the passed row in editable mode can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
setIsSpreadPopAlreadyShown Set isspreadpopalreadyshown true if passed true can be implemented by user
isEnable |
inlinevirtual |
setItmStatus To set the opt type combo box activate and put default value to it can be implemented by user
itmStatue |
inlinevirtualslot |
setItrationQty Empty functions can be implemented by user
strategyResponse |
inlinevirtual |
setLastLogOutTime Saves the last logout time in the file canbe overridden
time | last logout time |
inlinevirtual |
setMarketAndSecurityId To set the market and security id using symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtualslot |
setOldPositionUploadAllowed Used to set old position uplaod allowed can be implemented by user
isOldPositionUpload |
inlinevirtualslot |
setOptionsConRevCombination To set the passed con rev combination in the options con rev combination can be implemented by user
conRevCombination |
inlinevirtual |
setRatioChecked To enable/disable the writing to table can be implemented by user
ratio |
inlinevirtual |
setSpreadPopOnAddPortfolio To enable/disable the spread pop up on adding new portfolio can be implemented by user
flag |
inlinevirtual |
setStrategyContainer To Show/Hide the group box containing the strategy parameters can be implemented by user
strategyContainer | Groupbox widget name |
showHideLegPushButton | Minimize Button widget name |
inlinevirtual |
setStrategyInSingleRow Make sure only single row is created at a time can be implemented by user
count |
inlinevirtual |
setSymbol To activate the search for entering text to match with any symbol and gives combo box features to it on the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
symbol |
inlinevirtual |
setSymbolToolTip To set the tool tip on the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
tooltip |
inlinevirtual |
setTableData Used to set Particular data on particular column in a partical row can be implemented by user
row | |
col | |
data |
inlinevirtual |
showHidePanel To show symbol panel fields pass true and to hide pass false of passed leg can be implemented by user
leg | |
status |
inlinevirtual |
sortExpiryDate To sort the expiry dates list and save it in the passed reference sortedExpDateList list can be implemented by user
expDateList | |
sortedExpDateList |
inlinevirtual |
subscribeSymbol Subscribe symbol to see all the feed of that particualar symbol using passed symbol id can be implemented by user
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
symbolActivated To give the completion to the entered symbol in symbol combo box can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtualslot |
terminateStrateg Gives true if strategy is in run state and passed a valid row send terminate strategy signals can be implemented by user
row | |
index | Default value is -1 |
inlinevirtual |
updateAccountDetail To update the account deatils of the passed row of the database can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
updateAccountDetailOnEdit To update account details of the row and column in the database of the passed leg can be implemented by user
row | |
col | |
leg |
inlinevirtual |
updateResponse To get the response type and took action accordingly can be implemented by user
strategyResponseSharedPtr | Pointer containing details of strategy |
inlinevirtual |
updateSqlRecordOnEdit To Update the Database records when commit the changes in the strategy table can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtual |
updateStrategyState It updates the checkbox state and background colour On ready state it uncheck the checkbox of passed row and set color to red On run state it checks the check box of passed row and set color to green can be implemented by user
row |
inlinevirtualslot |
updateStrategyVsUhedgePortfolioMap To update the strategyvsuhedge portfolio of passed strategy id with passed uhedge portfolio name can be implemented by user
strategyId | |
uhedgePortfolioName |
inlinevirtual |
validateAccountDetailOnLoad Gives true if account details given at the time adding new strategy is valid can be implemented by user
clientCode | |
symbolId |
inlinevirtual |
validateData Validate all the entered details and return true everything is valid on the passed leg can be implemented by user
leg |
inlinevirtual |
validateUniqueSpreadCheckEntry To check whether the same spread value has been added to particular client or not can be implemented by user
uniqueKey | |
spreadKey | |
isModify | |
showPopup |
inlinevirtual |
writeOnSocket To write the data on the buffer in connected state to pass it through the socket to backend can be implemented by user
buffer | |
bytes | Total number of bytes |
bytesWritten | Total number of bytes already written in buffer |