void | setBaseWrapper (BaseStrategyWrapper *baseStrategyWrapper) |
| setBaseWrapper To set the the passed pointer to the pointer of base strategy wrapper class More...
BaseStrategyWrapper * | getBaseWrapper () |
| getBaseWrapper To get the pointer object of base strategy wrapper class More...
void | setCommonMethodsWrapper (CommonMethodsWrapper *commonMethodsWrapper) |
| setCommonMethodsWrapper To set the passed pointer to the pointer of common methods wrapper class More...
CommonMethodsWrapper * | getCommonMethodsWrapper () |
| getCommonMethodsWrapper To get the pointer object of common methods wrapper class More...
virtual void | getDllVersionString (QString &dllVersionString) |
| getDllVersionString To get the dll version string in the passed dllversionstring reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setBasePointer (BaseStrategyWrapper *ptr) |
| setBasePointer To set the passed pointer ptr to assign to base strategy wrapper pointer can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | initDisplay () |
| initDisplay To initialize the display can be implemented by user
virtual void | onFirstLegSymbolFocusOut () |
| onFirstLegSymbolFocusOut To be called when the first leg symbol's focus is out can be implemented by user
virtual void | onFirstLegAccountChanged (bool isChecked) |
| onFirstLegAccountChanged To be run when the account of first leg is changed More...
virtual void | onAddPushButtonClicked () |
| onAddPushButtonClicked To add the strategy in the strategy tabe and database by calling the function on_AddPushButton_Clicked can be implemented by user
virtual void | onNewPushButtonClicked () |
| onNewPushButtonClicked To call the function on_NewPushButton_Clicked to enable the parameters to add new strategy can be implemented by user
virtual void | onEditPushButtonClicked () |
| onEditPushButtonClicked To call the function on_EditPushButton_Clicked to edit the added strategy can be implemented by user
virtual void | onCommitPushButtonClicked () |
| onCommitPushButtonClicked To call the function on_CommitPushButton_Clicked to commit the changes done to strategy can be implemented by user
virtual void | onStopAllPushButtonclicked () |
| onStopAllPushButtonclicked To call the function on_StopAllPushButton_Clicked to stop all the running strategies can be implemented by user
virtual void | onRemovePushButtonClicked () |
| onRemovePushButtonClicked To call the function on_RemovePushButton_Clicked to remove the selected strategy from the table can be implemented by user
virtual void | onStopPushButtonClicked () |
| onStopPushButtonClicked To call the function on_StopPushButton_Clicked to stop the selected running strategy can be implemented by user
virtual void | onRunPushButtonClicked () |
| onRunPushButtonClicked To call the function on_RunPushButton_Clicked to run the selected startegy can be implemented by user
virtual void | loadDataFromMarketWatch (qlonglong symbolId, short option) |
| loadDataFromMarketWatch To load the data from the market watch of the passed symbol id in the strategy window can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | sendUserResponse (QMessageBox::StandardButton ret, QSharedPointer< API2::Strategy > strategyResponseSharedPtr) |
| sendUserResponse To send the response message to user usnig the passed strategy response shared pointer can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | validateData (API2::PORTFOLIO_STATE state) |
| validateData To validate the data entered in the strategy parameters before saving it in the strategy table can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | buildCommandFromUi (API2::PORTFOLIO_STATE state) |
| buildCommandFromUi To fetch the details from the ui parameters and save them in the strategy table can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateSymbolIdsDetail (int row, bool isUpdateAll=false) |
| updateSymbolIdsDetail To update the symbol id details in the strategy table can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateRemainingFeilds (int row, QSqlRecord &adminTokenIdData) |
| updateRemainingFeilds To update the remaining fields in the strategy table using the passed admimn token id in the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | updateRemainingQty (int row) |
| updateRemainingQty To update the remaining quantity in the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setCommandParameters (QSqlRecord &record, int stgCount, short type) |
| setCommandParameters To set the command parameters using the passed sql record can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | setTotalQtyForLegs (int row, short type, QSqlRecord &oldRecord, const QList< BaseSymbolIds * > &symbolIdsList) |
| setTotalQtyForLegs To set the total quantity using old sql record of the passed row of all the passed symbol id list can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | populateUIPanels (int row, QSqlRecord &record, bool isNew) |
| populateUIPanels To populate the ui panel taking values from the strategy table of the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | applyUIValidation (short, short state) |
| applyUIValidation To apply ui validation so that no invalid data gets saved in the database can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateEditableFieldColor (int row, QColor color) |
| updateEditableFieldColor To update the colour of the editable fields of the passed row as the color passed can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | updateStrategyDefaultValues (qlonglong adminTokenIdNew) |
| updateStrategyDefaultValues To check the updation of the strategy default values using the passed admin token id More...
virtual void | clearCustomStructure (qlonglong adminTokenIdNew) |
| clearCustomStructure To clear the custom structure of the passed new admin token id can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isTotalQtyVailid (int row) |
| isTotalQtyVailid To check whether the total qauntity is valid or not total quantity should be greater than the lot size can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isRatioUnChanged (int row) |
| isRatioUnChanged To check whether the ratio is unchanged of the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | onColumnDoubleClicked (QModelIndex index) |
| onColumnDoubleClicked To enable the editable column for editing in the strategy table on double clicking the passed index can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateDisableColumnsColor (int row) |
| updateDisableColumnsColor To update the disable columns colour of the selected row as the passed color can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setColumnCustomColor (int row) |
| setColumnCustomColor To set the columns default colour of the passed row More...
virtual bool | isSpreadAllowed (short strategy) |
| isSpreadAllowed To check whether the spread is allowed for the passed strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | isIvstrategy (short strategy, int row=-1) |
| isIvstrategy To check whether the strategy contains implied volatility can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isNoRemainingQty (int row) |
| isNoRemainingQty To check whether their is remaining quantity or not of the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isBuySellSpreadDiff (short strategy) |
| isBuySellSpreadDiff To check whether their is spread diff in the buy sell of the passed strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | convertToLots (QSqlRecord &record) |
| convertToLots To convert the quantity in lots in the passed sql record reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | convertToLots (QModelIndex index) |
| convertToLots To convert the quantity in lots of the passed index can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | allUIValidation (int row=-1, short strategy=STRATEGY_TYPE_MAX) |
| allUIValidation To perform all the ui validation of the passed row and strategy type can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setPortfolioDefaultValues (QStringList &portfolioRow) |
| setPortfolioDefaultValues To set the default portfolio values in the passed portfolio row can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | readyStateValidations (int row, QSqlRecord &dbRecord) |
| readyStateValidations To validate the passed row which is in ready state from the db record can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | spreadCalculationMethod (int row, QList< BaseSymbolIds > &symbolIdsList) |
| spreadCalculationMethod To calculate spread of passed row of the symbol id list can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | onSpacePressed () |
| onSpacePressed On pressing space key the editing is enable can be implemented by user
virtual void | onAltMPressed () |
| onAltMPressed To save the changes done on editable fields in the database can be implemented by user
virtual void | onEscapePressed () |
| onEscapePressed On pressing Escape key the strategy window will get minimized can be implemented by user
virtual void | onCtrlSpacePressed () |
| onCtrlSpacePressed On pressing Ctrl Space it uncheckes the selected row and checks the selcted row can be implemented by user
virtual void | onUpKeyPressed () |
| onUpKeyPressed On pressing up key if strategy container is visible then it hides it otherwise show it can be implemented by user
virtual void | OnDownKeyPressed () |
| OnDownKeyPressed On down key preesing it make sure that strategy container is visible can be implemented by user.
virtual void | onRunActivated () |
| onRunActivated On pressing Run push button or clicking the check box of particular row, the strategy will start to run can be implemented by user
virtual void | onAltSPressed () |
| onAltSPressed On pressing ALt + 'S' the portfolio is saved can be implemented by user
virtual void | onAltOPressed () |
| onAltOPressed On pressing ALt + 'O' the load portfolio is enabled can be implemented by user
virtual void | setApiCommand (API2::UserParams *, QSqlRecord &record, int stgCount, short type) |
| setApiCommand To set the api command and set default vaues and send the values to the backend from the fronend can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setApiCommand (API2::UserParams *, QSqlRecord &record, int stgCount, short type, API2::apiOrderBookParams *ptr) |
| setApiCommand can be implemented by user More...
virtual API2::UserParams * | getAPICommand () |
| getAPICommand To get the api params values form the parameters can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isSpreadCalculationAllowed () |
| isSpreadCalculationAllowed To check whether the spread calculation is allowed can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isPortfolioNamePresent () |
| isPortfolioNamePresent To check whether the portfolio name is present can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isStrategyLegPresent () |
| isStrategyLegPresent To check whether the strategy leg is present can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isSidTotalQtyHandling () |
| isSidTotalQtyHandling To check whether sid total quantity is handling can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | receiveStrategyResponse (API2::Strategy &strategyResponse) |
| receiveStrategyResponse Receives response from hft and if it is success then put it in the queue can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateTrades (const RSP::OrderConfirmation &orderConfirmation) |
| updateTrades To update the trades from order confirmation object can be implemented by user More...
virtual UNSIGNED_LONG | getTotalQuantityForLegs (API2::LEGS) |
| getTotalQuantityForLegs To get the total quantity from the passed leg can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | receiveCustomResponse (API2::API2_CustomResponse &apiCustomResponse) |
| receiveCustomResponse To receive custom response from the passed api custom response object can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | showSpreadPopup () |
| showSpreadPopup To check whether spread pop up is shown on adding new strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | showRemovePopup () |
| showRemovePopup To check whether remove pop up is shown on removing strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getHitTrySpread (short spreadType, const QList< BaseSymbolIds * > &symbolIdsList, SpreadDetails *spreadDetail, int row=-1) |
| getHitTrySpread To get the hit try spread of passed spread type from the symbol id list of the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateAccountDetail (const int row) |
| updateAccountDetail To update the account deatils of the passed row in the database can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | keyPressEventStrategySpecific () |
| keyPressEventStrategySpecific To create a key press event for specific strategy can be implemented by user
virtual void | populateIvUnderlying (const qlonglong &symbolId, const int &count) |
| populateIvUnderlying To populate the underlying iv of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | validatePortFolioData (QStringList &dataList, QString &errorText, int portfolioCount) |
| validatePortFolioData To validate the portfolio data from the passed reference datalist and return error if any in errortext reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | showHideCheckBoxClicked (bool isChecked) |
| showHideCheckBoxClicked To chow/hide the check box in the button panel can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | revertEditableFeildData (int row) |
| revertEditableFeildData To revert the changes done in editable fields of passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | firstLegSymbolChanged () |
| firstLegSymbolChanged On first leg symbol changed show the selected leg symbols and details can be implemented by user
virtual void | onFirstLegMarketChanged () |
| onFirstLegMarketChanged On First leg market changed show the symbols accordingly can be implemented by user
virtual void | onFirstLegExpiryChanged () |
| onFirstLegExpiryChanged On First leg expiry change, change other details accordingly can be implemented by user
virtual void | onFirstLegOptTypeChanged () |
| onFirstLegOptTypeChanged On First leg opt type change, change other details accordingly can be implemented by user
virtual void | secondLegSymbolChanged () |
| secondLegSymbolChanged On Second leg symbol changed show the selected leg symbols and details can be implemented by user
virtual void | onSecondLegMarketChanged () |
| onSecondLegMarketChanged On Second leg market changed show the symbols accordingly can be implemented by user
virtual void | onMarketChanged () |
| onMarketChanged On market change show the symbols and other data for the same can be implemented by user
virtual void | on_radioButtonClientAccount1_toggled (bool checked) |
| on_radioButtonClientAccount1_toggled On toggling the radio button of client and pro, changes show on the account name can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | terminateValidation (int row, QString &error) |
| terminateValidation To check whether the validation is terminated and give the error in the passed reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isAlwaysArchive () |
| isAlwaysArchive To check whether it is always archived can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateFieldsOnLoadOld (int row) |
| updateFieldsOnLoadOld To update the fields on loading the old data from row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | onRowClickedNotifier (int rowClicked) |
| onRowClickedNotifier To notify when the passed row is clicked can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | onShowHideLegs () |
| onShowHideLegs To show/hide the legs can be implemented by user
virtual void | updateOldStrategyId (qlonglong strategyId, qlonglong adminTokenId) |
| updateOldStrategyId To update the old strategy id with passed admin token id can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | byPassRunAddedStrategy () |
| byPassRunAddedStrategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | showRunAddedStrategyPopup () |
| showRunAddedStrategyPopup To show the pop up to run the strategy when added new strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isWaitStateSupported () |
| isWaitStateSupported To check whether the wait state is supported by that strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | rowRemovedNotifier (int row, int pid=0) |
| rowRemovedNotifier To notify when the row that is removed is the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isSpreadAlgo () |
| isSpreadAlgo To check whether the given algo is spread algo can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | showAdditionalSpreadPopups (short strategy, QSqlRecord &adminTokenIdData, bool isModify=false) |
| showAdditionalSpreadPopups To check whether to show the additional spread pop ups of passed admin token id can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateAdditionalValuesInPortfolio (QStringList &dataList) |
| updateAdditionalValuesInPortfolio To update the additional values in the portfolio from the datalist can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isDisplayInLotsAllowed () |
| isDisplayInLotsAllowed To check whether to display in lots is allowed can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | validatePortFolioDataOnLoadOld (qlonglong adminTokenId) |
| validatePortFolioDataOnLoadOld To validate portfolio data while loading the old data can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isSameSidHandling () |
| isSameSidHandling To check whether their is handling of more than one same strategy quauntity can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateCustomDbValuesOnLoadOld () |
| updateCustomDbValuesOnLoadOld To update the custom database values on loading old data can be implemented by user
virtual bool | validatePortFolioDataWithErrorText (qlonglong adminTokenId, QStringList &errorText) |
virtual QKeySequence | getStrategyShortCut (short orderMode) |
| getStrategyShortCut To get the shortcut of the strategy of passed order mode can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | showByPopulatingSymbolPanel (qlonglong symbolId, QKeySequence sequence=QKeySequence::UnknownKey) |
| showByPopulatingSymbolPanel To show by populating the symbol panel from the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isStrategyCompletedState (int row) |
| isStrategyCompletedState To check whether the strategy is in completed state can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isTruncateOnArchive () |
| isTruncateOnArchive To check whether it is going to be truncated on archive can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getSymbolString (bool isAdd, int row=-1) |
| getSymbolString To get the symbol string from the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | fillOldPositionData (QStringList &dataList) |
| fillOldPositionData To fill the old position data from the passed datalist can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | closeOpenDialog () |
| closeOpenDialog To open/close dialog can be implemented by user
virtual void | resetTotalQtyForLegs () |
| resetTotalQtyForLegs To reset the total quantity for legs to again start again with 0 can be implemented by user
virtual void | insertCustomSymbolDetailParameters (BaseSymbolIds *symbolIds, int row) |
| insertCustomSymbolDetailParameters To insert the custom symbol detail parameters from the passed symbol id in the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getTrackerTableName () |
| getTrackerTableName To get the tracker table name can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isTracker () |
| isTracker To check whether it is tracker can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | loadOldTrackerData () |
| loadOldTrackerData To load old tracker data can be implemented by user
virtual void | firstLegAccountUpdated () |
| firstLegAccountUpdated On Updating the account deatils of the first leg can be implemented by user
virtual void | secondLegAccountUpdated () |
| secondLegAccountUpdated On Updating the account deatils of the second leg can be implemented by user
virtual QString | getStrategyDisplayName () |
| getStrategyDisplayName To get the strategy name to display on the window can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | thirdLegAccountUpdated () |
| thirdLegAccountUpdated On Updating the account deatils of the third leg can be implemented by user
virtual void | replacePortfolioValuesOnSave (QStringList &dataList) |
| replacePortfolioValuesOnSave To Replace portfolio values that need to changed while saving portfolio can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | replacePortfolioValuesOnLoad (QStringList &dataList) |
| replacePortfolioValuesOnLoad To Replace portfolio values that need to changed while loading portfolio can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | modifySaveFileHeader (QString &headerRow) |
| modifySaveFileHeader To modify save file header in case implementing custom portfolio save can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateSidQty (qlonglong row) |
| updateSidQty To update the total strategy quantity in the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | changesOnTermiantion (int rowClicked) |
| changesOnTermiantion To do the changes done on termination in the passed row can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isStrategyIdExists (qlonglong strategyId) |
| isStrategyIdExists To check whether their exists any other strategy id same as passed strategy id can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isUniqueSpreadHandling () |
| isUniqueSpreadHandling To check whether the handling of unique spread is done can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getUniqueSpreadKeyValuePair (QPair< QString, QString > &uniqueSpreadKeyValuePair, int row=-1, const QStringList &dataList=QStringList()) |
| getUniqueSpreadKeyValuePair Used for unique spread key on addding,loading portfolio, eq. -> uniquekey = "Symbol1 : Symbol 2 = Spread " can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isPortfolioNewLoadSaveHandling () |
| isPortfolioNewLoadSaveHandling To check whether the handlilng of new, load and save portfolio is done can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateNonPortfolioDbParams (QMap< QString, QString > &nonPortfolioDbParams, QStringList &dataList) |
| updateNonPortfolioDbParams To update database parameters that are not in portfolio can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | destroyDependendObjects () |
| destroyDependendObjects To Destroy objects dependent on basestrategywrapper from its destructor can be implemented by user
virtual void | updateCustomValuesInUiOnModify (int row) |
| updateCustomValuesInUiOnModify To update the custom values of strategy in ui when strategy is already running can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | customUniqueSpreadHandlingCheck (int row=-1, const QStringList &dataList=QStringList()) |
| customUniqueSpreadHandlingCheck To check whether the custom unique spread check is handling can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isBidAllowed () |
| isBidAllowed To check whether the Bid is allowed for placing the given order can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isIocAllowed () |
| isIocAllowed To check whether the IOC is allowed for the given specifications can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isMulIocAllowed () |
| isMulIocAllowed To check whether the validity is mulyi IOC can be implemented by user More...