virtual QString | getNotApplicableStr () |
| getNotApplicableStr To get the string "N/A" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getTrueStr () |
| getTrueStr To get the string "True" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getStockStr () |
| getStockStr To get the string "Stock" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getFutureStr () |
| getFutureStr To get the string "Future" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOptionStr () |
| getOptionStr To get the string "Option" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getSpreadStr () |
| getSpreadStr To get the string "Spread" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getProStr () |
| getProStr To get the string "Pro" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getClientStr () |
| getClientStr To get the string "Client" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getNormalStr () |
| getNormalStr To get the string "Normal" can be overeridden More...
virtual QString | getMarket (const UNSIGNED_CHARACTER &exchangeId) |
| getMarket To get the market name using exchange id can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentTypeBriefIndex () |
| getInstrumentTypeBriefIndex To get the string "I" can be implemented by user More...
virtual UNSIGNED_CHARACTER | getExchangeId (const QString &market) |
| getExchangeId To get the exchange id using markeet name can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | gcd (qlonglong num1, qlonglong num2) |
| gcd To get the greatest common divisor of num1 and num2 can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | gcd (qlonglong num1, qlonglong num2, qlonglong num3) |
| gcd To get the greatest common divisor of num1, num2 and num3 can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | gcd (qlonglong num1, qlonglong num2, qlonglong num3, qlonglong num4) |
| gcd To get the greatest common divisor of num1, num2, num3 and num4 can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | compareRatio (QList< int > &firstList, QVector< qlonglong > &secondList, int limit) |
| compareRatio Converts firstlist to vector and checks whether their ratio is valid can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | compareRatio (QVector< qlonglong > &firstList, QVector< qlonglong > &secondList, int limit) |
| compareRatio Checks whether first list ratio and second list ratio is valid can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | removeFocusFromPushButton (QPushButton *button) |
| removeFocusFromPushButton To remove the focus from the passeed push button can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getSecurityType (QString securityType) |
| getSecurityType To get the security type, whether stock, option, futuer or spread can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getTimeFromSec (UNSIGNED_LONG secSinceEpoch) |
| getTimeFromSec To get the time in date time format by using passed seconds since epoch time can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOrderTypeStr (short orderType) |
| getOrderTypeStr To get the order type string "Market", "Limit", "Stop" and "Stop Market" can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setItem (QStandardItemModel *tableModel, int row, int col, QVariant data, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignmentFlag=Qt::AlignCenter) |
| setItem To set the passed data in the passed table model on the passed row and column with passed allignment flag can be overriden More...
virtual QString | getOrderValidityStr (unsigned short orderValidity) |
| getOrderValidityStr To get the order validity string "DAY", "IOC", "FOK", "GFS", "GFD", "GTD", "GTC", "GFA", "MOC", "GTS" and "AT CROSSING" can be overriden More...
virtual short | getOrderValidity (QString orderValidity) |
| getOrderValidity To get the enum value of passed order validity can be implemented by user More...
virtual QStandardItem * | getItem (QVariant data, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignmentFlag=Qt::AlignCenter) |
| getItem To get the pointer to QStandard item containing passed data with passed allignment can be implemented by user More...
virtual QStandardItem * | getItem (QVariant data, QBrush &brush, Qt::AlignmentFlag alignmentFlag) |
| getItem To get the pointer to QStandard item containing passed data with passed allignment and foreground set to passed brush can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getGenericBaseType (QString baseType) |
| getGenericBaseType To get the enum value of generic base type of passed base type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getGenericBaseTypeStr (short baseType) |
| getGenericBaseTypeStr To get the generic base type string "IV" or "INR" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getGenericStrategyType (QString threeLegStrategy, short leg) |
| getGenericStrategyType To get the generic strategy type enum value of passed three leg strategy can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getGenericStrategyTypeStr (short threeLegStrategy) |
| getGenericStrategyTypeStr To get the generic strategy type string "ITM", "IV", "Vol Spread", Straddle", "Strangle", "Butterfly", "CON-REV", "BOX", "Calender", "DM" and "Custom" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getSpreadTypeStr (short twoLegThreeLegSpreadType) |
| getSpreadTypeStr To get the spread type string "Prod Diff", "Actual Diff" and "Base Diff" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getDiffTypeStr (short diffType) |
| getDiffTypeStr To get the diff type string "IV" or "Vega" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getLegTypeStr (short leg) |
| getLegTypeStr To get the leg type string "1L", "2L", "3L" and "4L" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getLegType (QString str) |
| getLegType To get the enum value of leg type can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getExecutionVolumn (QString type) |
| getExecutionVolumn To get the enum value of passed execution volume type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getExecutionVolumnStr (short type) |
| getExecutionVolumnStr To get the execution volume string "Max Volume", "Min Volume" and Specified Volume" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getStrategyExecTypeStr (short strategyExecType) |
| getStrategyExecTypeStr To get the strategy execution type string "BID", "IOC" and "MUL IOC" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getStrategyExecType (QString strategyExecType) |
| getStrategyExecType To get the enum value of passed strategy execution type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentTypeString (short securityType) |
| getInstrumentTypeString To get the instrument type string "STOCK", "FUTURE", "OPTION" and "SPREAD" using passed security type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentTypeStr (QString instrument) |
| getInstrumentTypeStr To get the instrument type string "Stock", "Future" and "Option" using passed instrument can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentTypeStr (short securityType) |
| getInstrumentTypeStr To get the instrument type string "Stock", "Future", "Option" and "Spread" using passed security type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentStr (short securityType) |
| getInstrumentStr To get the instrument type string "C", "F", "O" and "S" using passed security type can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getInstrumentTypeFromName (QString instrument) |
| getInstrumentTypeFromName To get the instrument type string "C", "F", "O" and "S" using passed instrument string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getTwoLegArbitHedgeMethod (short hedgeMethod) |
| getTwoLegArbitHedgeMethod To get the two leg arbit hedge method string "Market Order", "Best Bid/Ask", "Hit Bid/Ask", "Actual Diff IOC Best", "Actual Diff" and "Actual Diff Limit Best" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getTwoLegArbitHedgeMethod (QString hedgeMethod) |
| getTwoLegArbitHedgeMethod To get the enum value of the passed hedge method string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOrderMode (short orderMode) |
| getOrderMode To get the order mode string "Buy" or "Sell" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getOrderMode (QString orderMode) |
| getOrderMode To get the enum value of passed order mode string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getTwoLegThreeLegSpreadTypeStr (short twoLegThreeLegSpreadType) |
| getTwoLegThreeLegSpreadTypeStr To get the two leg three leg spread type string "Prod Diff", "Actual Diff" and "Base Diff" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getTwoLegThreeLegSpreadType (QString strSpreadType) |
| getTwoLegThreeLegSpreadType To get the enum value of passed spread type string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getStrategyState (short responseType) |
| getStrategyState To get the strategy type string "RUN", "FAILURE", "SHUTDOWN", "SHUTDOWN SQUAREOFF", "PAUSE", "READY" and "WAIT" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getGenericExecutionStyle (QString baseType) |
| getGenericExecutionStyle To get the enum value of passed base type string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getGenericExecutionStyleStr (short baseType) |
| getGenericExecutionStyleStr To get the generic execution style string "TWAP", "POV", "PRICE BAND" and "NO EXEC" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOptionModeStr (short optMode) |
| getOptionModeStr To get the option mode string "Put" or "Call" can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOptionModeStr (QString optMode) |
| getOptionModeStr To get the option mode string "Put" or "Call" using passed opt mode string can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getOptionMode (QString optionType) |
| getOptionMode To get the enum value of passed option type string can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getOptionType (QString optionTypeStr) |
| getOptionType To get the option type string "P" or "C" can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getContinuousHedgeMode (QString mode) |
| getCommonMethodsWrapper()->getContinuousHedgeMode To get the enum value of continuous hedging mode can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getContinuousHedgeModeStr (short mode) |
| getCommonMethodsWrapper()->getContinuousHedgeModeStr To get the continuous hedging mode string "SAME SIDE" or "BOTH SIDE" can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | updateTableView (QTableView *tableview) |
| updateTableView To update the table view after any change can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | getStrategyVersion () |
| getStrategyVersion To get the strategy version of the strategy type can be implemented by user More...
virtual int | getCurrentExpiryIndexSpread (QComboBox *comboBoxExpiry) |
| getCurrentExpiryIndexSpread To get the current selected expiry index spread of the passed combo box expiry can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | showMessage (QWidget *parent, QString title, QString message) |
| showMessage To show the message box on the parent widget with passed title and passed message can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isClientCodePresent (const QString &market, const QString &inst) |
| isClientCodePresent Checks Whether any client code is present for the passed market with passed instrument can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | getClosePrice (qlonglong symbolId) |
| getClosePrice To get the close price of the passed symbol id from the market data can be implemented by user More...
virtual QString | maturityDayMonYearToDate (int day, int yearMon, const QString &format=QString("dd MMM yyyy")) |
| maturityDayMonYearToDate To get the maturity date including passed day and yearmon in the passed format can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | getCurrentMonthFutureSymbolId (const QString &source, const QString &market, const QString &symbol) |
| getCurrentMonthFutureSymbolId To get the future id symbol id using passed source, market and symbol name can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | eventFilterStrikePriceCombobox (QObject *object, QEvent *event, QHash< QObject *, QString > &hashComboSearchedString, qlonglong &keyPressEventTimer) |
| eventFilterStrikePriceCombobox To check whether event filter is active on strike price combo box or not can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getSegmentFromInstrument (const QString &instrument) |
| getSegmentFromInstrument Gives the enum value of segment type CM or FO using the passed instrument can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | isQuoteAvailable (qlonglong symbolId) |
| isQuoteAvailable To check whether quote is available for passed symbol id in the market data or not can be implemented by user More...
virtual int | getSpreadTimer () |
| getSpreadTimer To get the value of spread timer can be implemented by user More...
virtual int | getQuoteWaitCounter () |
| getQuoteWaitCounter To get the value of quote wait counter can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | getExpiryInclusionExclusion () |
| getExpiryInclusionExclusion To get the value of expiry inclusion exclusion can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getTrades (qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong strategyId, qlonglong &filledBuyQty, float &filledBuyPrice, qlonglong &filledSellQty, float &filledSellPrice, QString &buyPriceStr, QString &sellPriceStr) |
| getTrades To get the total traded quantity of sell and buy with total price of sell and buy inthe passed references of the passed symbol id and strategy id can be implemented by user More...
virtual QSortFilterProxyModel * | getSortFilterProxyModel (QList< short > &filterColList, QObject *parent=0) |
| getSortFilterProxyModel To get the sort filter proxy model to apply when filter is used can be implemented by user More...
virtual QHeaderView * | getFilterHeaderView (QVector< short > &filterTypeList, QTableView *tableView) |
| getFilterHeaderView To get the header view of the filter enable columns in the table view using the passed filter type list can be implemented by user More...
virtual QWidget * | getFilterHeaderViewWidget (QHeaderView *headerView, short filterWidget) |
| getFilterHeaderViewWidget To get the passed filter widget in the header view for the filter enable column can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | onTextFilterChanged (QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel, QHeaderView *headerView, QList< short > &filterColList) |
| onTextFilterChanged To call it when the text is changed in the filter widget can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setFilterActive (QSortFilterProxyModel *proxyModel, bool isFilterActive) |
| setFilterActive To set the filter active or diable according to passed isfilteractive can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setFilterVisible (QHeaderView *headerView, bool isFilterActive) |
| setFilterVisible To set the filters active in the header view If already active then it hide them can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | convertBPSToSpread (qlonglong &spread, short orderMode, qlonglong price, qlonglong dividend=0) |
| convertBPSToSpread To convert the Basis Point, the passed price to spread can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | getOppositePrice (qlonglong symbolId, short orderMode) |
| getOppositePrice To get the best buy or sell price from the market data of passed symbol id For buy mode it gives best sell price For sell mode it gives best buy price can be implemented by user More...
virtual qlonglong | getSymbolIdFromISIN (const QString &ISIN, short exchangeId) |
| getSymbolIdFromISIN To get the symbol id from the passed ISIN number and exchange id from the scrip master can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | convertToMultipleOfTickSize (qlonglong &hitSpread, qlonglong symbolId) |
| convertToMultipleOfTickSize To convert the passed hit spread multiple of symbol id's tick size can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getCurrentMonthExpiry (QComboBox *comboBox) |
| getCurrentMonthExpiry To set the index of current month in the combo box can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getNextMonthExpiry (QComboBox *comboBox) |
| getNextMonthExpiry To set the index in the combo box for the next month from the current one can be implemented by user More...
virtual bool | checkForBannedScrips (qlonglong symbolId) |
| checkForBannedScrips To check whether the passed symbol id is banned through dealer or globally or not can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getExpiryList (const QString &symbol, const QString &market, QStringList &expiryList) |
| getExpiryList To get the expiry list of passed symbol and market of the non stock instrument type in the passed reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getClientInfoFromConfirmation (const RSP::OrderConfirmation &confirmation, QString &parentClCode, QString &childClCode, QString &partCode) |
| getClientInfoFromConfirmation To get the parent client code, child client code and part code from the passed order confirmation in the passed references can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getPriceAccordingToTicksize (qlonglong &price, int ticksize, short orderMode) |
| getPriceAccordingToTicksize To get the price according to tick size of passed order mode For a miultiple of tick size put the same in the price For otherwise make it a multiple of tick size by decreasing it can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | setInstrTypeFromMkt (QComboBox *comboBox, QString market) |
| setInstrTypeFromMkt To set the current index of the instrument type from the passed market For spot matket set common stock For others set Future can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | printSqlError (QSqlQuery &query) |
| printSqlError To print the deatils of the sql error like executed query, error, file name, function name and error line can be implemented by user More...
virtual const API2::SymbolDetail & | getSymbolIdDetail (qlonglong symbolId) |
| getSymbolIdDetail To get the symbol detail pointer containing market id, secuirity id and each and every detail of the passed symbol id can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getPrecisionAndMultiplier (qlonglong symbolId, double &multiplier, short &precision) |
| getPrecisionAndMultiplier To get the precision and multiplier of the passed symbol id in the passed reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual short | configFileValue (const char *str) |
| configFileValue To get the value of passed string pointer from the configuration file can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | getIvVegaPrice (qlonglong symbolId, qlonglong price, short, qlonglong underlyingSymbolId, qlonglong &ivPrice, double &vega, bool isVegaCalculate) |
| getIvVegaPrice To get the IV and Vega price of the passed symbol id in the passed reference can be implemented by user More...
virtual void | insertTradeWiseTrackerList (QSharedPointer< API2::TradeWiseTrackerData > &tradeWiseTrackerData) |
| insertTradeWiseTrackerList To insert the trade data in trade wise tracker table after each iteration can be implemented by user More...