API  Version 2.0.1
Low-Latency HFT API
 All Classes Functions Variables
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 |oCMarketDepthWrapperWill store Bid Ask Price at particular level
 |oCMarketDataWrapperWill contain the Snapshot/TBT Market Data
 |oCInstrumentPositionThe InstrumentPosition struct Provides the basic information like Open Qty, OpenSide, Traded Quantity in Buy/Sell Side,
Average traded Price in Buy/Sell Side, Booked and Mark-To-Market Profit and loss
 |oCInstrumentProvides all the information about Market Instrument
 |oCOhlcQuoteThe OhlcQuote class
 |oCTradeTickThe TradeTick struct
 |oCMktDataThe MktData class, The wrapper class for getting Market Feed for both Snapshot and Tick-By-Tick
 |oCKeyValueThe KeyValue struct
 |\CUserParamsReaderThe UserParamsReader class
 oCUnknownTypeExceptionThe UnknownTypeException struct
 oCDuplicateKeyExceptionThe DuplicateKeyException struct
 oCMarketDataSubscriptionFailedExceptionThe MarketDataSubscriptionFailedException struct
 oCUserParamsThe API2_UserParams class
 oCBaseTypeThe BaseType class
 oCDerivedTypeThe DerivedType class
 oCAbstractUserParamsThe AbstractUserParams class
 oCStrategyParametersBasic Strategy Parameters, StrategyId and ClientId.
Stratgy Parameters are provided by StrategyParameters::getInfo()
 oCSGContextThe main class to be inherited for creating a new Strategy
 oCDebugLogThe DebugLog class
 oCOrderBookThe OrderBook struct
 oCSymbolStaticDataThe API_SymbolStaticData struct
 oCOrderConfirmationExchange Order Confirmation Message data
 oCSingleOrderThe SingleOrder class. This wrapper is used for sending Single Leg Orders. Usage: Create an object for This using API2::SGContext::createNewOrder
 \CSharedUtilitiesThe SharedUtilities class